About Naturescapes

Landscape Design Company Specializing in Environmental Landscaping
At Naturescapes Landscape Specialists in Paoli, PA, our landscaping unites your vision with indigenous plants and stones in an ecologically harmonious way.
For over 40 years, we have brought clients on the Main Line well-designed, high-quality gardens which increase in value and beauty over time. Our gardens balance our clients’ needs with those of the environment. Our beautiful gardens require little maintenance and are environmentally sensitive.
Environmental landscaping, using indigenous materials, employing local suppliers, gardening with a long-term view; as landscaping specialists, we do all these things to restore a more natural environment.
Naturescapes Green Gardens Support a Harmonious Ecosystem
We recognize a greater need to be environmentally-sensitive, and we strive to make all of our gardens meet a set of standards that allow us to evaluate a garden’s impact on the environment. In this way, we can ensure that green or organic gardening principles are being effectively implemented.
A garden, landscaping, or property we design that meets certain criteria we certify as a “Naturescapes Green Garden.” These criteria include:
- Reduced water use
- Greater use of indigenous plants
- Re-use existing materials whenever possible
- Locally purchased materials
- Little to no use of pesticides
We strive to make every one of our gardens a Green Garden. Find out more about what makes our gardens special.